
Privacy Policy

The personal data provided through this website will be processed by INGENIERÍA INFORMÁTICA NETCOMPUTER ECUS S.L., its owner, whose contact details are as follows:
Address: Calle Aguacate, 41. Block 3. Building 3. Local 4.
Telephone: 916933469 – 914059134
Email: info@l4e.es

The purpose of data processing is to be able to contact the sender of the information, respond to your request or query and do a follow-up. The data will be processed on the legal basis of the consent of the person who provides them. Said consent can be withdrawn at any time, although this will not affect the legality of the treatments carried out previously. The fact of providing the data is voluntary, although, in case of not doing so, it will not be possible to respond to the request, query or claim. Therefore, the communication of your personal data for these purposes is a necessary requirement for us to be able to meet the requests made in this way.

The data will be kept for the time necessary to respond to your request, request, query or claim and to consider it definitively closed. Subsequently, they will be kept as a communications history, unless you request their deletion.

The owner of the data has the right to request access to them, their rectification or deletion, as well as the limitation of their treatment, to oppose it and the portability of their data, in the cases provided for in the General Regulation of Protection of Data. Faced with any fact that you consider a violation of your rights, you can file a claim with the Spanish Agency for Data Protection.

If third-party data is provided through this website, whoever does so assumes the responsibility of previously informing them of everything provided in article 14 of the General Data Protection Regulation.

The user is responsible for the fact that the information provided through this website is true. For these purposes, he is responsible for the veracity of all the data that he communicates and will keep the information provided properly updated, in such a way that it reflects his real situation. The user will be responsible for the false or inaccurate information that he provides and for the damages that this causes to the owner of this website or to third parties.

The owner of this website guarantees the security and confidentiality of the personal data provided. To this end, he has implemented the security measures of a technical and organizational nature that are necessary to prevent unauthorized alteration, loss, treatment or access, in accordance with the provisions of the applicable regulations.

Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia
Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia